Back in 2010 I sat down to write the script for my first ever erotic feature film. Inspired by Nancy Friday’s My Secret Garden, the movie deals with research into female sexual fantasies. I tried to write my dream porn film – one that depicted fantasies that I myself found hot. I wanted to explicitly create an adult film for straight women, one that really focused on female desires and pleasure, one that unashamedly enjoyed looking at male bodies.

Support independent, ethically made, award-winning porn. Bright Desire features all of my erotic films and writing. A membership to Bright Desire gets you access to every movie I've ever made and lets me keep making female friendly porn!
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Life intervened and the film kept getting sidelined. I started Bright Desire and got busy with shooting scenes for that, along with running For The Girls and my other sites. I wasn’t sure how to go about casting and finding locations for my big project so it kind of stalled. Finally, in November 2013 I decided to stop procrastinating and get started – even if it only meant filming one scene at a time.
I’m pleased to say that I’ve finally got all the scenes for this film in the can (or the hard drive). It’s now waiting to be edited together and I’m hoping to premiere it at the Berlin Porn Film Festival in October, if they’ll let me. In the meantime, though, I felt compelled to put together this teaser trailer which gives a brief glimpse at all my hard work. It’s a very quick look at some of the amazing hotness that I’ve created over the last six months. I know I’m going to keep watching this as I slog through the many hours of footage I’ve shot, slowly editing this into something that resembles my original vision.
The working title of this film was “The Garden” but I’ve settled on a new title for it: The Fantasy Project. This film is entirely self-funded and has been shot with a crew of two – me and my husband. It will be just me editing it and then I’ll have to look at how to get it out into the world.
If you like what you see, please let me know. And in the meantime, please visit Bright Desire to check out my other work.
Update 26th March 2015 – The Fantasy Project is finally available online at Bright Desire Video On Demand.