Back in June I reported that ABC’s Nightline was going to show a report women’s interest in porn and sex toys. The piece was bumped several times and it’s only just been broadcast. The report included appearances by Candida Royalle and Nica Noelle. For The Girls was initially contacted by the show but we never heard back from them.
In any case, there’s a longish article to accompany the report on the ABC website. I can only groan at the ubiquitous mention of Sex and the City but it does have some nice quotes from Candida and Nica.

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“Women generally want to know why two people are having sex,” said Nica Noelle, a top porn director. “They want to know what the relationship is between those two people. … They want to feel that it’s a relationship that matters to both of the characters. And that the sex is passionate and intimate. And none of those things were really being portrayed in the porn that was out there.”
Update 14th August
Nightline has put the report online so I’ve had a chance to watch it. The yoga thing felt like a waste of space but otherwise I think it was a good, positive piece. Candida and Nica were great. What’s interesting is their focus on the amount of time spent on plot vs sex, as if this is the way to define porn for women. There was also the usual emphasis on relationships, realism and intimacy which will no doubt fire up a backlash among some porn loving women.
I was very pleased to see my site Porn Movies For Women appear, albeit briefly. Here’s a screenshot:
It’s interesting that, once again, the focus is on films rather than websites, even though the statistics quoted relate to internet porn.