I’m finally back after another extended break away from the internet. It really is very good for me to go offline and experience the “real world” every now and again. I had a wonderful festive break with my family including much vicarious fun with my nephew and nieces. I’m not going to have kids of my own but I do love playing with my small relatives.
It’s midsummer here so my Christmas and New Year involved long days filled with heat, swimming, good food and white wine. The pic above is of the beach where we went fishing a few days ago.

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And now I’m back at work, trying to unscramble my alcohol-addled brain and face the challenges of a new year. 2010 will see me doing even more travelling and I suspect I’ll be spending several months in the US making my planned film and building my small porn empire. And if the internet filter gets the go ahead, maybe I’ll have to stay there.
In any case, here’s to a happy and successful 2010.