Just wanted to add a further post about the recent survey of the sex lives of Australian women (previous post here)
News.com.au has an article unfortunately titled “The sad sexual secrets of women” which is rather misleading since the survey has plenty of positive aspects to it, including an increase in masturbation, a desire for more consideration from male partners and a general urge to explore one’s sexuality.

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I wanted to quote this part of the article, which hearkens back to the various discussions about “why women hate porn”.
But, overwhelmingly, we’re bored in the bedroom, causing many of us to stray in search of sexual thrills – which might explain why more of us are watching pornography to spice up our sex lives.
One respondent was so disappointed with the quality of porn movies available, she starred in her own.
“A lot of women described how porn is OK, but they would like it a lot better if it was made by women for women and then they would like to look at it with their partners and use it as a stimulant,” Sauers said.
On the downside porn, while titillating, had added “a whole new level of anxiety, not just about the body but about performance”, Sauers said.
She said that, while porn does carry risks because a small percentage of men become addicted, “to dismiss porn out of hand as an enemy of sexuality and an enemy of relationships is a mistake”.
I found it refreshing to read a relatively pro-porn comment like that in a News Ltd media outlet.
The aforementioned sad aspect of women’s sex lives is that one in three women have experienced some form of sexual assault.
‘She said that, while porn does carry risks because a small percentage of men become addicted, “to dismiss porn out of hand as an enemy of sexuality and an enemy of relationships is a mistake”.’
Exactly! If we tried to ban all the things that at least some people abuse, and which have destroyed lives and relationships and/or lives thereby, i’m not sure what would be left. And to give but one example, why not ban the televising of sport, and men’s sport in particular?