Can you believe it, it’s my 6th Blogaversary! Actually, I’m a day late, I forgot! Anyway, I wrote my first blog post in the old format blog on June 7th, 2004. I’m now on my 2nd script and third design.
Added to that, it’s For The Girls’ 7th birthday in June. I can’t believe how quickly that time went. I have to admit, I really didn’t think our little site would still be going strong after 7 years, let alone fearlessly soldiering through the collapse of the mainstream porn industry and the general bad financial climate. I’m so proud of FTG, what it stands for and what it’s achieved over the years. The site isn’t going away any time soon; women still seem to enjoy what we offer, even though the range of options available to straight chicks has diversified greatly in the last couple of years.

Support independent, ethically made, award-winning porn. Bright Desire features all of my erotic films and writing. A membership to Bright Desire gets you access to every movie I've ever made and lets me keep making female friendly porn!
Click here to find out more.
I’m looking forward to expanding our content with more self-produced movies in the near future. And we’ll still keep adding good quality articles and stories as well.
To celebrate our birthday, we’re going to be running another competition. In the past it’s been an erotic fiction competition but this year we want to do short films. It hasn’t been finalised just yet but watch this space for the official announcement.
Congratulations Ms Naughty and FTG. Keep up the good work and the blog posts. They are entertaining and though provoking.