Just wanted to whack up a couple of quick links today.

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The first is this Canadian article on the growth of Yaoi – Japanese gay erotica made for straight women. I’ve written about Yaoi before, this adds another perspective.
Secondly I found this board post from a woman who works in IT. She is making a point about how IT is still an overwhelmingly male industry, at least in the way that women are “invisible.” Her description of the way computer magazines are always aimed at a male audience has distinct echoes with my complaints about porn. I like the way she offers a gender reversal to get her point across:
Imagine that pc magazines call you she and assume you have a husband/boyfriend. It jars every time you read that. Imagine if every pair of hands you saw fixing a computer in magazine pictures were female. Wouldn’t you feel a bit freaky? Imagine when you got onto a technical site, all the side ads were of naked men. Imagine people send you naked male porn as a thankyou when you post a helpful comment…