Most of the world doesn’t care, but we colonials have been indulging in the jazzed-up sports carnival known as the Commonwealth Games for the last week or so. It can be thrilling at times, especially when the world champions of certain events are breaking world records here and there.
I’m sure many female viewers were just waiting for the men’s 100 metre final, when the fastest man alive Asafa Powell easily won the gold medal. But it wasn’t the time we were looking at. Nope, of far more interest was the possibility of a front-on slow motion replay so we could enjoy the sight of several packages bouncing around inside thin, shiny, lycra uniforms.

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Unfortunately, the TV networks are onto us. They only showed the guys from the waist up. Bastards.
Still, we can always look back fondly at the champion of the lycra bounce, Matt Shirvington. Here’s a little clip of the Shirvo wedding tackle in action:
I’ve been trawling through the news photos, trying to find some decent lycra bulge pics. They’re few and far between, but I’ve snaffled up a few good ones. Rather than clog up the blog, I made a special page for them: Bulge Spotting. Also included some more YouTube movies I found.
So, with all this talk about lycra, I had to include the above photo of the English rowing team at the Sydney Olympics. It’s been graphically enhanced… a bit.