I read on Petra Joy’s blog today that her award winning bi scene from Female Fantasies was cut out of some copies of her film at the behest of a dealer.
Male bi sexuality and female/male role reversal is still a major taboo in mainstream porn. So this scene was censored by one of my big dealers who accepted “Female Fantasies” on their shelves only if that particular scene that they called “ugly, dirty and image damaging” was cut.
Ugly, dirty and image damaging? I’m flabbergasted at this. The scene breaks boundaries for sure – it mixes gay and bi sex with a woman wielding a strapon – but in the general world of porn it’s relatively tame.
What’s astonishing here is the hypocrisy and homophobia on display. Fact is, the porn industry loves dealing in the ugly and the dirty. Witness the ever-increasing extremity of gonzo porn with its baseball bat insertions, ass-to-mouth, felching, cum swapping, crying, gagging and vomiting. Those acts have become par-for-the course for some porn producers.

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But these aren’t considered “ugly, dirty and image damaging” because they don’t cross over the official porn lines that rigidly define the content of porn. “Straight” is hetero sex (and naturally, hetero sex also includes “lesbian” porn – duh). “Gay” porn features two men fucking. It’s all about guys and butts and we should try not to think about that too much in case we catch the gay. “Bi” porn features two gay guys with a woman hanging around to make it not gay. If a black guy has sex with a white woman, you can’t just say it’s straight. It has to be called “Interracial.” And if two black people have sex, the word “booty” must of necessity be involved.
So, as long as you keep everything within its set boundary, you can do all the stomach-churning or misogynist things you want. It’s ridiculous that porn should have become this weirdly dysfunctional
I feel like adding here the story about the repression of menstrual porn because it betrays a similar strange mindset. A few years ago the few adult sites that focused on sex during menstruation were denied credit card processing by the various companies due to a “policy change.” Suddenly periods were considered to be too offensive because they depicted a bodily function and were placed on a par with scat (shit) and watersports (urine) sites, which were also considered beyond the pale.
Webmistresses such as Trixie Fontaine (Bloody Trixie) argued that menstruation was part of the reproductive process and was often a part of a normal sex life. Plenty of people have sex during a period and some guys also find the whole thing arousing.
Why was menstrual blood so offensive, she argued, when the companies were happily processing credit cards for bukkake and facial sites. Semen is a bodily fluid as well.
Nope, that’s different, they said. End of story.
I guess the theme of all of this comes back to the differing definitions of what’s sexy and what’s offensive. No doubt there’s someone who has read this post and is now upset because I’ve listed ATM as dirty (although my god, I really think I’ve got a case with that one). These personal biases obviously spill over into the industry but I do think it’s time to expand a few horizons. Yes, there’s a fear of upsetting the customer with something unexpected but the alternative is worse – cliched, cookie cutter films and sites defined by rigid, outdated codes of what’s “normal” and what’s not. Indeed, this is what the US porn industry churns out every day and their revenues are in freefall.
So if we must have ass to mouth, surely there’s room for a strap-on wielding woman to fuck gay guys?