Today is a “catch up” day when it comes to film releases.
In January I wrote about Superfreak, the release from Pink and White productions.

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Their latest film, In Search of the Wild Kingdom, was released April 2. The film is chock full of authentic lesbian and gay sex. The plot is fairly simple: “an utterly clueless (and extremely straight) documentary maker invades Lesbian San Francisco in an attempt to answer the age-old question, ‘What do two girls do in bed together?'” Spicing up all that hot sex is a strong sense of humor.
The film is by Shine Louise Houston, who also produced Tony Comstock’s Matt and Khym: Better Than Ever.
At present it’s only available from Blowfish.
There’s a great trailer here – it includes the very amusing line: “Are all lesbians that flexible?”
PS. If you’re looking for more authentic lesbian porn, Quirky Sex Links has a growing directory.