I’ve been converting old VHS tapes into mp4s these last weeks and today I did this old episode of Mondo Thingo which discusses chick porn: the rise of women’s erotica.

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Mondo Thingo was an ABC program hosted by Amanda Keller that looked at pop culture trends. It aired in 2004 and lasted only one year.
I kept this episode because the segment includes shots of the tour of ForTheGirls.com (from 2:41-2:46 and also 5:16-5:18). This was a huge deal for us at the time – it was 2004, the site was only a year old and we were keen for publicity. Of course, it being the ABC, it didn’t really give us a lot of airtime or famousness. We did have to sign some kind of agreement for the use of our imagery which I believe in now lost forever.
The episode starts out with an interview with Cleo editor Paula Joye, who had just brought back the male centerfold after a hiatus of 20 years. Unfortunately her choice of centerfold wasn’t great: radio shock jock Kyle Sandilands. Be warned, there’s footage from his nude shoot so you will be exposed to his naked butt for a short time.
More interesting are the interviews with filmmaker Anna Brownfield and academic Kath Albury. I didn’t know Kath or Anna when the show aired but we’ve since met and worked together in various circumstances and they’re my longtime porn friends. The segment also features the late, great Candida Royalle who was, at the time, the most prolific and best known women’s porn director in the world.
I wanted to upload this video to Youtube for posterity as the show is something of an Australian relic and not available anywhere. It’s also a handy bit of porn history. I marked it as adults only. Alas, Youtube immediately banned it. While writing up the description it told me that some footage was copyrighted – that turned out to be a sequence of stock footage that some troll has probably laid claim to (0:28-34). But then the bots just removed it outright. Perhaps because it contains some excerpts of Candida’s films. Or perhaps because of Kyle Sandiland’s bum. I’ve appealed it, we’ll see what happens. (EDIT: Nope. Appeal lasted all of 5 minutes. Rejected because Youtube considers this segment to be: “Pornographic or sexually explicit content that is meant to be sexually gratifying.” Sigh.)
In any case, I thought I’d put it here. This video was taken from an old VHS tape hence the less-than-stellar quality.