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A while back I was lucky enough to purchase the domain name Feminist Porn dot org and I’ve been meaning to put something on it for years.
Now, finally, I have. Feminist Porn is live and it features a bunch of articles and info about… feminist porn. It took me a few weeks to make this site, I took a long time to compile relatively comprehensive lists of feminist porn directors and performers as well as to write useful articles on the topic. I’ve also listed every winner of the Feminist Porn Awards and included info about the Toronto and Berlin events (PorYes).
On top of that I added a bunch of trailers for award-winning, feminist porn films taken from Vimeo and Youtube. To be honest I’d have loved to add more but obviously the free video sites don’t have a lot of porn on them.
Then I sat down and made a little compilation video / doco called “What Is Feminist Porn?” I’ve included commentary from a selection of academics, directors and performers about what they think feminist porn is and what it means. The film was compiled from footage I shot at the Berlin Porn Film Festival over the years and the Feminist Porn Awards in Toronto in 2013 and 2014, plus footage from the Berlin PorYes Awards 2016 and 2017.
One thing I wrote an article about is whether the phrase “feminist porn” is still relevant or current. I know it’s fallen out of favour a little in some porn circles. What’s interesting, though, is that this is a phrase more and more people are using to search for good porn, stuff they can’t find on the tube sites. Hence, my site 🙂