As mentioned in my wrap-up of the 2014 Feminist Porn Awards, I spent some time with Daniel Nasaw, a BBC journalist who was there to cover the event. His article, In Toronto With The World’s Feminist Pornographers, went live on the BBC website a few days ago. The piece is really good, very balanced and gives a decent overview of what we’re all trying to do.
Daniel had asked the FPA organizers if there were any filmmakers willing to have a journo sit in on a shoot. I had several planned by that stage so I put my hand up. I suggested he observe the shoot I was going to do with fellow filmmaker Pandora Blake, a British director and performer who runs the site Dreams of Spanking.

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Pandora and I decided to do a content-share arrangement: she would perform, I’d film it and we’d both own the footage. Pandora also suggested a great concept – her dom lover D would write up a letter, instructing her to perform a series of erotic acts, to get ready for his arrival. Pandora wouldn’t know what those things were until she opened the letter and read it during the scene. I read it beforehand and it was pretty damned hot so I knew it would make for an amazing scene.
We shot on the Friday morning before the FPAs which was when Daniel was available (he’d previously been busy interviewing the crack-smoking Toronto mayor. Suffice to say, Daniel had quite the big couple of days). I’d come down with the monster flu by then but took some drugs and got on with it. Daniel was very polite, even when we moved half the furniture of the hotel room into the doorway where he was. He just climbed on top of a table, stayed quiet, took some pics, wrote a lot of notes and was generally great. The scene went well and everyone was happy.
Afterwards Pandora and I went for coffee with Daniel and had a good chat. He was at the awards that night and then went off with Zahra Stardust, James Darling and Wolf Hudson to observe their shoot which went until 4am. Zahra had originally asked me to film but I had to give a presentation at the conference the next day and I knew I wouldn’t be at my best. Courtney Trouble took on camera duties and apparently the scene involved a spot of double fisting. When I heard that I knew our little solo scene would probably be eclipsed in the final article. It’s hard to compete with the wondrous nature of Zahra’s vagina.
There’s two photos of me in the BBC piece, both rather awful, proving that I definitely belong behind the camera. Still, I’m happy to have been involved and Bright Desire also got a mention which is great.
Now, if only other mainstream media articles could be so open-minded about porn, we might be getting somewhere.
Photo above is from the BBC site, taken by Daniel