It’s been a big weekend. Despite my best efforts to stay 27, I had no choice but to turn 40. It’s a bit of a milestone and means I might officially be “middle aged”, though there’s no way I feel old. The saying is that inside every older person is a young one wondering what the hell happened. Certainly I’m feeling amazed at how quickly time has passed, especially the last 10 years or so. It’s also a little bit crazy to realise I spent all of my 30s making porn.

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To celebrate my birthday I threw a retro disco costume party and danced the night away to 70s and 80s songs, dressed as Agnetha from ABBA. Like you do. And I think I’m going to spend the next few weeks being totally self indulgent, drinking too much, eating good food, dancing, having fun. Because I’m not getting any younger.
The video above was a huge hit in Australia and New Zealand in 1983 and I remember hearing it, aged 10, thinking that 40 was incredibly old. Yet here I am. If you read the video’s comments on Youtube it seems I’m not alone in feeling this way.
There’s also this country music song about embracing being 40 which I rather like. Yes, I’ve got a few wrinkles but I’m feeling great – I’m more confident in myself, wiser and very happy with my life. 40 is fabulous.