I grow old… I grow old…
I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.
Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?
I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.
I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.
– TS Eliot
Another year has gone and I’m about to hit 34. Shit, that seems old to me. I remember when 40 was ancient. Now it’s looming rather large.

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7/7/07 is a good date. I hope it’s lucky for me.
People born on July 7:
Ringo Starr
Bill Oddie (from the Goodies)
Jon Pertwee (the third Doctor Who)
It’s 2 years since the London bombings. I gotta say, it’s disappointing that the date of my birthday is now associated with that horrible event. Bastards.
Tomorrow I’ll be eating well, drinking a lot of wine and keeping warm. Perhaps next year I’ll cross hemispheres and finally have my birthday in Summer.
Pic is altered from the original here.
Happy Birthday Ms Naughty! Count yourself lucky – in one day I am a full ten years older than you. 40 was fun and somehow just right, 42 was fine too but this one is hitting me hard for some reason.
34 is gorgeous, rejoice and revel in it, every single minute!
Hope your day is wonderful and the whole year ahead filled with good things. 🙂
The lines from Prufrock are some of my faves. “Dare I eat a peach?” Bittersweet perfection with a touch of defiance.
Thank you Ell, and happy birthday to you too. I have to link to your marvellous birthday post because it is so wonderfully eloquent and bittersweet. I wish I’d written that!
I had a good day… Vietnamese Pho Ga for lunch, a stroll through the gallery of modern art followed by 3 hours of serious wine tasting… and a massive hangover on Sunday. A good birthday.