Today we’re launching the official For The Girls 7th birthday contest – The Female Gaze Erotic Film Competition.
The idea is to encourage representation of female perspectives in erotic film. We’re looking for short film submissions, under 10 minutes, that are erotic and embody the female gaze – a woman’s perspective of sex and sexuality. It doesn’t have to be explicit, although that’s always nice. It does have to include the number 7 within some part of the film.

Support independent, ethically made, award-winning porn. Bright Desire features all of my erotic films and writing. A membership to Bright Desire gets you access to every movie I've ever made and lets me keep making female friendly porn!
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The winner gets US$400 and a screening at Cinekink Film Festival in New York – thanks to the lovely Lisa for teaming up with For The Girls in this. The winner and runner up will feature in the member’s area at For The Girls. We’ll also consider licensing any other worthy films in our shortlist and the top 6 will get automatic consideration at Cinekink.
It’s not officially part of the comp but if I can swing it I’ll look into making the shortlisted films into a DVD. I can’t say that’s definite yet because I don’t know what sort of movies we’ll be getting or whether I can secure any kind of distribution. But it’s a possibility further down the track.
So if you’re an aspiring filmmaker, now might be the time to pick up the camcorder. It doesn’t have to be a hardcore epic or an Oscar-winning masterpiece. In essence, this competition is about encouraging creativity and erotic exploration, about taking a woman’s experience of sex and finding a way to visually depict it in your own way.
This competition follows on from Petra Joy’s awards held in Berlin last year – which I won. Having participated in that and having seen the gorgeous other films that were finalists, I want to see more and I want to encourage more filmmakers like me. Everyone has their own ideas about what is sexy and erotic. Here’s a chance to put it out into the world.
You’ll find all the info and legal details about the competition here. The deadline for entries is mid August so you don’t have long. Get out there and get filming!
My own belief is the future of the photographic erotic image lies in the hands of the enthusiastic amateur. Of course that means things will be a lot more concise than vocational efforts, (let go of any dreams of 70mm erotic epics), but there are compensitory freedoms as well. Here’s hoping this is a big success!
RE: Securing Distribution
“Distribution” for indie film (erotic or otherwise) is a myth. Read “How Distribution Deals Kill Indie Film” Parts 1, 2, and 3.
You have all the distro reach you need in the palm of your hands. All you need is films that people want to buy. If you can avoid confusing that with the idea of a film that people would want to buy if it was actually well-executed, you’ll probably see a sufficient ROI to produce Volume 2. (So long as your filmmakers keep sending you made on spec shorts!)
Meatworld distribution is certainly a nebulous concept to me – I make my living in front of a PC and the ins and outs of actual DVDs and physical distribution are something I need to learn about. It all feels horribly clumsy because I’m used to just doing everything via the web. If you’ve got any advice or further practical information in this area, I’m keen to hear it.
On the question of distribution… yep, what Tony said! In fact, advice I’m long past due to follow myself.
Meanwhile, very delighted to have CineKink play a part in the competition. Here’s to a plethora of steamy, sexy visionings winging your way!
What’s the saying? When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. This is why the erotic image is going retrograde!
Lots of things I could tell you, but perhaps teh best advice I ever got was from teh head of legal at a BIG Hollywood studio, who siad, “There’s no point in starting your first film unless you’re committed to finish your third.”
And if you understand why that’s so, you’ll understand why you’re first film has to knock everyone’s socks off. It can’t just be good enough, it has to blow people away. If it’s just a “nice try” or “good intentions” no one will take a chance on your second film, let alone your third.
That’s why I talk so much about Walter Murch’s concept of out of the frame info. In the end, your audience doesn’t care if you’re a woman or a feminist or what you meant to do. They care about what they see on the screen. That’s what they pay money to see. If they all they want is good intentions they can get that on the internet for free.
The biggest challenge I see is finding people who are clever enough to make wonderful things without spending a lot of time and money, so they can afford to do it again, and doubly so if that includes getting naked.
But I’ve always contended teh best way to know you have a good idea is if everyone says “it will never work” so damn the torpedos full speed ahead!
also, if you’re not following @angelobell you should be!
First – Fun contest, Ms. Naughty! We’ll spread the word.
Second – Wow! The comments here are almost as exciting as the contest.
Tony, Lisa Vandever has gone on and on about your accomplishments (and your sense of humor) lately, and we’d love to interview you for our PEEP SHOW column sometime. Lisa just answered some questions about what non-porn indie film makers can learn from porn-making indie film makers about marketing and distribution. Would love to get your thoughts on the topic sometime, although we’re getting a great sneak peak right here.
Also, we’re in 100% agreement that Angelo Bell is a man to watch. Had a chance to read his Black Lotus script…this movie MUST be made!
Best wishes! J&J