This is too amusing to not blog about: figures from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research show that more assaults, thefts and sexual assaults occurred in churches than in adult entertainment premises in Australia in 2008.

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A breakdown of the figures showed that 85 people were assaulted in places of worship, compared to 66 at an adult entertainment premises.
According to the report, places of worship include churches, synagogues, monasteries, mosques, convents, cathedrals and chapels.
Premises listed under adult entertainment included strip clubs, sex shops, brothels, massage parlours, homosexual clubs, gaming houses as well as gambling clubs.
Places of worship were also ahead on sexual offences (16), theft from motor vehicles (33), resisting arrest (7) and liquor offences (10).
Harassment and threatening behaviour at places of worship (30) was more than double that of adult entertainment (13).
Funnier still, 20 people were charged with possession of marijuana in a church in 2007.
I’m looking at these figures and wonder whether our current laws have it right after all; you can’t have a strip club within 500m of a church. Maybe because it’s so dangerous in them thar churches and may cause offense to strip club patrons.
Why am I not surprised by this? Give me sex over religion any day. If I was still being forced to go to church, I would feel like assaulting someone too.
Pedantically speaking, we need to know how many people spend how much time in places of worship compared to adult entertainment premises before we can really make any claims.
I’m guessing the number of people-hours in adult entertainment premises is much lower than in churches, which means that for every hour you spend in a stripclub you are actually more likely to be attacked.
Your headline was nice while it lasted!
Well sure, the statistics may be simplistic. For me, the real issue is that rather a lot of crimes have occurred in churches which are supposed to be beautiful, peaceful spaces where nothing bad happens (but then, the Catholic church has put paid to that idea thanks to the ongoing incidences of child rape within their walls). If religion was really what made people good, surely a church would be completely crime free?
@Casey: you said: “people-hours in adult entertainment premises is much lower than in churches”
Note that the study included “gaming and gambling clubs”
I expect that the hours may not be as skewed to religion as you might think. Even my mother (a devout Catholic) has only ever spent one hour per week in any of the named places. Plenty of people spend hours every day in clubs and casinos.
Ultimately though I agree with Ms Naughty. The point here is that religions like to portray themselves as being warm, fuzzy, and friendly, when the truth is that they are just another gang of human beings with their own agendas, power struggles, and bad people. Even the current Catholic Pope was happy to put the Church’s reputation before the needs of the victims of abuse.