The new year saw Nevada’s Liquor and Licensing Board approve male prostitutes at the Shady Lady Ranch brothel. Owner Bobbi Davis says she’s had hundreds of applications for the 7 jobs available. Rates start at $200 an hour.
Details has a fascinating interview with “Markus” who is going to be the first legal male prostitute employed at the Ranch.

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The whole interview has a bit of a train smash feel to it; I read the piece and see-sawed between approving nods and worried cringes. Markus, an ex Political Science student, ex-Marine, ex porn star from Alabama, seems to have his heart in the right place. Thus:
Women don’t pay for sex, they pay for experience. And luckily for me, I don’t have that much experience with sex, but I have the mentality and the emotion and gumption to make them feel the way they want to feel. And if I complete that through sex, too—which I’m a very good performer in that respect, too—my mission’s accomplished. The fourth thing that separates a gigolo is a gigolo knows how to cook, clean, and do the things necessary to upkeep himself. He’s totally independent. He can cook a 3-course meal, and at the same time, serve wine… He must be literate, he must have a sense of honor and dignity to himself. He should just be an all-around good guy.
And yet he also comes out with a number of rather dodgy statements, including a few worrisome Freudian theories and a comparison to Rosa Parks. He seems frighteningly naive in some ways, not least in the sexual experience department. He’s only 25 and very eager and earnest but I kind of feel that he needs some training wheels on before he takes up being a fully-fledged male prostitute. Not that there’s any kind of course you can take. One hopes they offer him at a discount rate in the beginning.
One thing Markus is certain of is that he’s not interested in gay-for pay (hence the post title). To him, that’s just being a prostitute as opposed to a “gigolo” which is his preferred title.
A few years ago I met and interviewed an Australian male escort for For The Girls. He was a slightly built, gentle guy, not devastatingly handsome but attractive enough. He actually struck me as someone who was perfect for the job because he had a real desire to understand and please his partners. There was a lot of compassion in him and I guess it’s an important trait to possess.
The quote from Markus above seems to indicate he’s on the same wavelength. I hope. Although I’m not sure I’d pay $200 an hour for him. And I’ll be very curious to see how well the Shady Lady does with its new business plan. It’s usually assumed that women aren’t interested in paying for sex but I think people may be surprised at how things pan out.
I agree, I think this will be very interesting.
As for his sphincter not being for sale, what if his female client wants to fuck him in the ass? Does that magically render him a prostitute?
Hopefully this is a step in the right direction toward the cultural acknowledgment of female sexuality.