Just had to do a blog post to draw your attention to Glitter Films. This is a New Zealand adult film production company that has a number of quality DVDs already out there, and more in production. Run by the lovely Astrid, NZs first female porn producer, Glitter Films aim to offer good quality, creative and intelligent films to everyone, be they male, female, gay or straight.
Says Astrid on their “About” page:

Support independent, ethically made, award-winning porn. Bright Desire features all of my erotic films and writing. A membership to Bright Desire gets you access to every movie I've ever made and lets me keep making female friendly porn!
Click here to find out more.
I am not out to be controversial or push anything in anyones face, I just think that there is an opportunity for adult films to be so much more than they are, they are so much a part of a lot of peoples lives and it is time that there were some productions out there that were equally good for you mind as well as other parts.
Sex is out there, porn is out there – it won’t go away – so how about just making ethical porn, advocating safe sexual expression that interests your mind and your loins.
I first heard of the gay feature film John at the Berlin Porn Film Festival. Unfortunately I didn’t get to see it then due to a scheduling clash, but I do remembering thinking it was cool that our neighbours in New Zealand were making smut. I’m looking forward to checking out the DVDs, especially the hetero feature Triple X Vignettes.
You can buy the DVDs from Astrid’s site.
(Or should I call them “six fulms”? OK, don’t hit me, Astrid. I couldn’t resist!)