Here’s a nice pic for Friday just to make things feel a bit huggy around here.
A few links and news to blog about.
Pinup Bettie Page has passed away. RIP Bettie.
Lynn Barber has an excellent piece on sex for women back in the 60s. It’s one of those timely reminders of what feminism did for women and why we shouldn’t ever forget how things used to be.
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After the abortion, I took contraception seriously and sucked up to the one girl in college who was known to own a diaphragm. We all took turns borrowing it, and had to pre-book it, so it meant we could have sex on, say, Thursday but not on Friday. It wasn’t until my second year at Oxford (1964) that salvation arrived in the shape of the Pill but even then we had to say we were engaged before we could be prescribed it.
Mark Morford writes very amusingly about porn and the inevitability of getting older.
…wow and gosh and sweet Jesus with a leather riding crop, whatever happened to that kind of fun, sexy, enchanting porn? Where have all those good times gone?
Professional porn, to be sure, has taken the road less subtle. Product has become so slick, manufactured, soulless and mechanized and micro-niche it seems impossible to find a truly sexy piece of professional raunch anymore. Most of the more modern fare is all about gynecological extremes and gross-out overkill, so much choking and gaping and spitting it’s like a boring pool party at Caligula’s condo. Not for the squeamish. Or the sexually joyful.
Meanwhile, get your sex panic button ready because two news items about teenagers and sex have appeared in rapid succession.
1. Increase In Anal Intercourse Involving At-Risk Teens And Young Adults. The rate of anal sex among teens has doubled between 1994 and 2004. The study found that those girls having butt sex are also more likely to have experienced non-consensual sex.
2. One in five teens engage in “tech sex” – Kids are happily sending nude photos to each others phones, usually as a form of flirting or foreplay.
So, does this mean that the internet and phones are corrupting teenagers? Or are they just more aware of stuff and ready to try sex out a little earlier than previous generations? If you read Lynn Barber’s column and then consider these statistics, that’s a hell of a change in 40 years.
Obviously there’s plenty of reason to be concerned when it comes to teenage pregnancy, STDs and the thought that there are girls out there taking it up the butt without knowing what they’re doing.
I expect, however, that these concerns will take second place to the moral horror of “what’s happening to our children?” It’s this panic that is motivating politicians like Senator Conroy to want to censor the internet.
The thing here is that teenagers ARE sexual creatures. They’re not children anymore, they’re adolescents. The hormones are pumping. You have to expect them to get up to some kind of sexual shenanigans. Unfortunately they’re lacking in life experience and (probably) making dumb decisions.
The answer is and always will be education. Teach them young and teach them properly. If they know what they’re doing, there’s far less chance of them making dumb decisions or getting pregnant or contracting a disease. They might even start believing in that old fashioned idea that sex is about intimacy and sharing and should maybe be left for later in life or saved for one person. Because that’s what the religious people want, isn’t it?
OK. Just had to get that off my chest.