MSNBC has a relatively balanced article on the rise of female executives within the porn industry. The author goes to a fair bit of effort to point out how women are trying to make porn better.
Surprisingly, many women who work in the business say they don’t like porn — at least not the porn that takes up most of the shelf space in adult stores or is downloaded from the Internet. They do not object for moral reasons, they just think it’s a crummy product and often far too misogynistic.
Nice to see I’m not the only one who thinks this way.

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Unfortunately the story doesn’t give much creedence to the rise of porn for women:
…Several groups of women have tried to create explicit productions, whether for cable TV, online distribution or DVD purchase and rental that appeal specifically to a female sensibility. But aside from Candida Royalle’s Femme series, which gets a big boost by being distributed through mail order giant Adam and Eve, such efforts have been slow to take hold.
They may never take hold. Sensuality, seduction, plot, even good lighting can cost money. “The bulk of pornography is being produced for $17,000,” Holland told the forum. “My budgets are $60,000 for a day-and-a-half shoot. We do two movies in three days and each budget is approximately $60,000. That is astronomically high right now.”
So while more women are calling the shots, they have to respond to a market of primarily male consumers, many of whom find plots simply a waste of time.
Hey… fuck plots. Give me some decent lighting, a good looking male actor and some sex that actually looks believable or pleasureable and bingo. There’s your profit.