Stumbling about today I found this post at the delightfully named Adventures of a Well Mannered Can-Can Dancer blog. The author has posted a bunch of beautiful photos of guys dressed in 19th century clothing, posing as they would for an official portrait. The pics originally appeared in the Fall/Winter 06 edition of Numero Homme magazine under the title “Ultimate Dandys” (sic). Unfortunately I don’t have a proper link for it.

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I find these pictures strangely attractive and I am fully aware of what’s made me a sucker for good looking men in high collars – it’s Colin Firth in Pride and Prejudice.
Yes folks, I can quote that series off by heart (as can my lovely husband) and I still do enjoy watching that jump-in-the-lake/wet-shirt scene. So here’s an excuse to post the above pic into my blog… and perhaps head off to re-watch the DVD, yet again.