I didn’t blog yesterday. That’s because I was doing something fabulous instead: swimming with a pod of dolphins at Bribie Island.
We went there on a “reccie” just to check the place out. As we were heading home across the bridge we saw the pod of dolphins frolicking in the channel and decided to turn around, head along the shore and watch them. There were about five of them, including a baby who was very playful and often leapt out of the water. They patrolled the shoreline for about ten minutes and then went back to the bridge.

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So I decided to put on my swimmers and get in with them if they came back to where we were. When they returned I waded in – the water was fairly cold and murky – and I just swam out in their general direction, hoping they’d come over to me. They did. They came within a few metres of me.
Unfortunately the water was far too murky to see anything at all but I could hear their clicking sounds. After about five minutes they went back to the bridge again.
I’ve since read that there are heaps of bull sharks in that particular channel and I was probably a bit stupid for going into such dirty water. But I figured the dolphins weren’t scared so I was OK. Even so, I had a few moments in the water when I thought… “Shit… I’m swimming in a channel, I can’t touch the bottom, I hope there’s no sharks…”
I’ve swum with dolphins twice before – once in Thailand and once in Hawaii. The conditions were better both times but I think this was special. It was just me, being spontaneous, seeing what would happen.
And I was on a high the whole afternoon.
The photo above was taken by my husband. We got a heap of great shots including some of them leaping up.
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