Every year Australian women’s mag Cleo runs its Bachelor Of The Year contest, ranking 50 good looking, vaguely well-known unmarried males according to… well, I’m not sure really. Hotness, brain power… penis size… something.
Anyway, they’ve created a whole site for the 2008 batch including photos, videos, profiles and whatnot. Surfers can vote for their favorite guy until this Sunday with the results announced next week.

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I’m including this photo of surfer Dale Richards because, well, he’s black. It’s almost a shock to see an Aboriginal face included in this list, if only because the media so often has a blind spot when it comes to Aboriginal people. And he’s cute. His profile doesn’t make for fascinating reading, but none of them do. So far he’s not in the running to win.
Meanwhile, one of the more popular guys, Valerio Vittone, is a doctor who has done a lot of research into herpes. Which would make a fascinating topic of conversation on your first date.
Well, at least we can say the list isn’t totally populated by models or TV personalities.