This celebrity gossip site says that Catherine Zeta Jones is turned on by men wearing aprons and little else.

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‘A man in an apron is a great turn-on for me,’ she tells Weekend magazine. ‘It’s such a sensual thing to be cooked for, to have a man on a date say: “Would you like to come for dinner?”
‘And aprons are sexy, with or without clothes on underneath. We all fantasise about a man in a pinny, when all you see is his bottom leaning over the stove!’
I have to agree – I do like the look of a man in an apron, his cheeky bum peeking out. And naturally it’s given me an opportunity to use this pic of the Monty Python boys in Barbershop outfits from Live at the Hollywood Bowl – they’ve just sung “Sit On My Face” and shock the audience as they leave.