I’ve created a list of my top 10 heavy metal crotches, featuring videos of guys showing off their wares via extremely tight pants. I used to be a metal fan when I was 16.
I’ve actually been working on this list for nearly two months. I can’t believe how long it’s taken me to finish it. The big problem was that I ended up surfing YouTube for hours at a time, watching heavy metal videos from my teenage years and reminiscing. I couldn’t just find a vid and embed it; I had to watch the whole thing, enjoying every headbanging second of it. And then I had to decide which one of dozens of clips I wanted to use. It was hard work, all that ogling.

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The video above is Def Leppard’s Pour Some Sugar On Me, in which the entire band sports exceptionally tight jeans. Every one of them has got a conspicuous bulge at the crotch, like there’s a budgie or a cucumber down there. Not that that impresses the butch women who are doing their best to demolish the building and blow up the band.
More crotchly goodness in the Top 10. Enjoy.