And today’s big news is that Juan Garcia has won Mr World 2007. No, this is not a late April Fool’s joke. There really is a beauty pageant for men, and this year it was held in China.
Contestants are vying to be “the most desirable men in the world” and must participate in a variety of manly pursuits including quad biking, raft building, mountain climbing and… a talent quest. They also have to participate in a fashion show, engage in a conservation project and create new and exciting cocktails.
You’ll be pleased to know that yes, there is a swimsuit section, although there’s nary a Speedo budgie smuggler in sight. Nope, the boys all donned long-legged board shorts for their beach photos which is a damn shame as far as I’m concerned.

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Mr World has been operating since 1996 and apparently it regularly attracts billions of TV viewers but this is the first I’ve ever heard of it. Shame really. I think I’d watch if were on the telly here.
Above: Mr Turkey
I’m not sure what to make of Mr World. I like that there’s a lot of very sexy guys on show and it’s nice to think that there’s some equality happening in the world of beauty pageants.
At the same time, it all seems terribly ridiculous. Probably just as ridiculous as Miss World – it has all the same cliched hallmarks, like the way everybody loves “meeting people” and wishes for world peace. Not to mention the talent quests.
Above: Mr Chile
I don’t think I would have chosen Mr Spain. He has very scary pale blue eyes.
Perusing the contestants, I found myself clicking on the half-naked guys. Mr Chile wins for “Best washboard stomach” while Mr Bahamas gets a gong for “Best wild animal necklace.” I think Mr Turkey is one of the best looking, although Mr Dominican Republic is pretty hot as well. Mr Puerto Rico isn’t bad either.
I can only judge them on their looks, unfortunately, as there’s not a whole lot of information available about their raft building skills. Because that’s something a lot of women consider when checking out a potential mate.
Hmm… so many men, so little time.