Today I stumbled across this page from a site called World Sexual Records. It offers a variety of fun sexual statistics that you may wish to file away in the “I could bring this up at a dinner party and shock everyone” category. Stuff like:
* According to the Center for Marital and Sexual Studies in Long Beach, California, the most orgasms recorded in an hour for a woman is a staggering 134, while the best men could do was 16.
* Masters and Johnson (1966) published a chart of one woman who experienced a 43-second orgasm, consisting of at least 25 successive contractions.

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* In his book, Dr. Kinsey & The Institute for Sex Research, Wardell B. Pomeroy recounts the case of one woman who could have 15 to 20 orgasms in 20 minutes.
* In Mae West’s autobiography she wrote of how she and a sexual prodigy named Ted made love for 15 consecutive hours.
I’m not sure about the validity and sources of some of the other statistics. The author asserts that Julia the Elder, daughter of the Roman Emperor Augustus, had sex with 80,000 men. While Julia liked the odd spot of rumpy-pumpy, I seriously doubt she could have fit that many suitors into her busy schedule. A more likely explanation is that the figure was inflated by Roman historians eager to please the Emperor. Julia was banished for adultery, and her lovers were many, but 80,000 is a bit much.
Similarly, Emperor Claudius’ wife Messalina would have put gangbang champion Annabel Chong to shame, especially when she held a contest against a prostitute to see how many men she could sleep with in one night. Even so, 8,000 is a very high figure.
Another sex record site is that old fave, World Sex Records. The site has numerous titbits and statistics about all manner of subjects including:
* The eighteenth-century Swiss biologist, Albrecht von Haller, is said to have come across a woman with a monstrous clitoris no less than 7 in. long. But the record clitoris is almost certainly the 12 in. specimen mentioned by various writers and quoted (without comment) by W. Francis Benedict in “The Sexual Anatomy of Women“.
* Legman, for instance, has suggested that there are 14,288,400 positions for cunnilingus alone.
The site also gives us this amusing quote by Sir William Acton:
“…the majority of women (happily for them) are not very much troubled with sexual feeling of any kind … The best mothers, wives, and managers of households, know little or nothing of sexual indulgence. Love of home, children, and domestic duties, are the only passions they feel. As a general rule, a modest woman seldom desires any sexual gratification for herself. She submits to her husband, but… would far rather be relieved from his attentions …” Acton also declared, in stronger terms, that to impute sexual feeling to a woman is a “vile aspersion,” though he conceded that women of the lower classes may have such emotions.
Ladies, welcome to the “lower classes”!