Brokeback Mountain as a “soft porn for women chick flick”

The Chicago Tribune has an interesting article discussing why women are flocking to see the gay cowboy love story Brokeback Mountain.

It seems that we girlies just can’t get enough of all the “romantic longing, furtive glances and secret anticipation”, not to mention the downright sexy idea of man-on-man love.

“Here’s a chick flick and it’s about two men,” said Amy Reynaldo, 39, of Chicago. “They want to be together, they want to cuddle … but they’re men. Don’t we all want the man who’s willing to act in a chick-flick way? And here are two of them in one movie!”


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They’ve even got a psychology professor to explain why women are going all gooey about this film:

“Because female sexuality has been so suppressed, the concept that women might similarly be sexually aroused by the fantasy of two men–maybe with her!–has not been spoken about,” Wilson said. “Now it’s finally being openly expressed about women’s sexual desires and that there is no shame in their sexual fantasies, and that has opened the door for being aroused by watching a film like `Brokeback Mountain.'”

I must admit, it sounds good. I have yet to see this film but it’s definitely on the agenda.

I’m occasionally partial to the odd bit of gay porn. I never used to be, and I know that some gay porn can be just as degrading, stupid and insulting as mainstream men’s porn. Still, it can be nice to see two good looking men being tender with each other. We so rarely get to see that secret, intimate side of a man – even with straight sex scenes or romance. Gay porn seems to promise a glimpse into “secret men’s business” – the sort of stuff we girlies aren’t normally allowed to see. That’s very appealing.
It also has me pondering about my longstanding policy of not allowing gay content on my porn for women linklist. I’ve had this rule because so many webmasters couldn’t even grasp that women would want to look at porn and assumed that I was really just catering to gay men under a different name.

But perhaps I need to consider the idea of offering romantic gay content in my “bisexual” category. Is it possible? Surely any woman who is after some hot gay action will just find themselves one of the bazillion gay sites out there?

And… here’s the kicker. Where the hell do I find romantic gay porn pics? I’m not sure they exist.