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Above is the “making of” video for Erika Lust’s latest short film Love Hotel which is her sequel to Handcuffs.

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A can only feel jealous as to the circumstances behind this film. A new boutique hotel in Barcelona called Casa Camper decided to invite six Spanish directors to create short films set in their hotel. Erika was one of those directors – and they obviously didn’t mind that she wanted to make an erotic film.
I feel dizzy even thinking about that kind of freedom and that kind of acceptance. I need to go and live in Spain.
Anyway, it seems that Love Hotel features a hot MMF threesome. I’m keen to see the whole thing. In theory it was released on February 25 but I the Casa Camper TV site goes 404. I guess Erika will release her film on her own site soon enough.
In other Erika news, she’s due to begin filming her latest feature Six Female Voices very soon. In October last year she put out a call to women, asking for ideas about what to shoot. I’ll be fascinated to see the result.
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