I hate being late to the party with these things but I’ve only just heard about the European Feminist Porn Award which is being held on Saturday 17th October in Berlin. Yes… I’m going to miss them, dammit, but despite my general divineness and best efforts at omnipresence I’ve discovered that I just can’t be everywhere at once.

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So this is essentially a party and film night to honour the feminist pioneers of porn: Candida Royalle, Annie Sprinkle, Maria Beatty, Shine Louise Houston and Petra Joy. The lovely Jennifer Lyon Bell from Blue Artichoke Films will be there as well.
In October 2009 the first Feminist Porn Film Award will be presented in Berlin. The initiators set themselves off against sexist, mainstream pornography. “We want to revolutionize the erotic film market”, says Laura Meritt – sexpert with a doctorate in communication sciences. Awards will be given for high quality erotic movies “with a wide range of portraying female sexual lust and in which women play an important role as producers.”
The feminist film prize is initiated and organized by Sexclusivitaeten, the first women-oriented sex enterprise and sexual communication centre in Europe, together with the Freudenfluss network.
I have to say, I really like their criteria for feminist film. I think these are rules that all adult films should uphold!
• A sex-positive attitude, no de-humanising or misogynistic portrayals
• Roles in collusion with those involved / no crossing of personal borders
• Ethical work conditions / safe sex is encouraged
• Those involved will be shown in relation to one another – eye, skin, hand, and body contact, energy exchange.
• Emotions and declarations of love are encouraged, doable, and showable.
• Diverse camera settings, light and shadow games
• Variations of sexual practices in joyful transitions, not an achievement test, broadening of the stereotypically portrayed spectrum.
• A variety of body types, ages, genders, sexual orientations and ethnic backgrounds.
• Authentic sound recordings or music. No gender-stereotypical amplified dubbing of moaning.
• Portrayal of lust and pleasure, focus on female lust and its diversity.
• No schematic portrayals of the “sexual curve” – that is to say no straight zoom in on the male ejaculation, no emphasis of the male cum shot. Orgasms are not the only goal.
• Women are significantly involved in the production of the film as producers, directors, or camerawomen.
Oh brilliant, I will have to look at this for next year. We need a site that lists all the adult film festivals.