In 2009 I attended the Berlin Porn Film Festival for the second time and was honoured to meet Candida Royalle, who died on Tuesday. Candida presented a filmmaker in focus session, discussing her life’s work and offering behind-the-scenes anecdotes about her films.

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I videoed the whole thing with my old SD camera and it’s been available at For The Girls for a while but I realized, in the wake of her death, I should make this video more widely available. I think this video gives a good summary of Candida’s motivations and her work ethic. It contains snippets of her films to illustrate her movies but they are edited/censored because I’ve put the video on Youtube (hopefully it will stay there).
Some of the camerawork is very bad – I was sitting in the audience and also suffering severe jetlag so holding a big camera for an hour really late at night turned into a big job. My apologies for that.
I’m going to add this video to Bright Desire today – it has my BD watermark on it.