Hmmm. It seems it’s been almost 6 months since I created a Free Porn Fiesta post. My porn blog is definitely a bit neglected lately. In any case, here’s some lovely free porn links to feminist and female-friendly erotica to keep you amused as the winter/summer solstice approaches.

Support independent, ethically made, award-winning porn. Bright Desire features all of my erotic films and writing. A membership to Bright Desire gets you access to every movie I've ever made and lets me keep making female friendly porn!
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Bright Desire: Taste – Summer Knight takes her lover Adria on a journey of the senses through taste and touch. She then helps him explore the pleasures of male anal play.
Lust Cinema: Let’s Make A Porno – Exploring a fantasy of exhibitionism and exposure.
Dreams of Spanking: The Other School – Pandora Blake and Alex Reynolds go to a very strict school. Truancy is grounds for corporal punishment, and headmaster Paul Kennedy summons both schoolgirls to the gym for a cold caning.
Crash Pad Series: Jiz Lee, Mikah Riot and Syd Blakovich – Ex-lovers Jiz and Syd kiss and make up and are joined for a hot queer threesome by Mikah.
Joybear: Steamy Threesome – An FFM style bit of group sex as three porn stars choose their own partners for a fun fuck.
X Art: Bring Me To My Knees – A Fifty-Shades themed gallery with blindfolds and rope.
The Art Of Cunnilingus: A Hot Ride With Selina – Amazing oral sex on a motorbike Passion Play. Beautifully shot couples sex
Mr Man: Top Ten Bearded Male Celebrities – Compilation of nude scenes by bearded stars
Remember, these freebies are there to encourage you to join. When you subscribe to these sites you support them and allow them to make more, better porn!