Photo from Mic.com using a quote by me
Back from a big week shooting and I’m feeling far more energized since my last “I’m totally burnt out” post. It helps to get a few positive mentions in the media so I thought I’d blog them, plus some other articles that have come up recently.

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I’m really pleased to be listed in this piece in Bustle: The Best Feminist Porn Directors To Check Out If You Like Your Smut Served With A Side Of Ethics & Empowerment. alongside Tristan Taormino and Shine Louise Houston. Author Kristen Sollee said “Ms. Naughty is a feminist pornographer on a mission to put female desire on a pedestal.” Yep, I am. But I’m also excited about opening up opportunities for guys to explore their own sexuality beyond the narrow models of mainstream porn.
Kate Hakala wrote a piece at Mic.com called 6 Empowering Things Feminist Pornographers Can Teach Us About Sex. She spoke to me, Erika Lust and Sarah Beall from MakeLoveNotPorn.tv. I wrote her a bit of an essay when she sent me some questions and most of it didn’t make it into the piece but I was happy to be mentioned. One small quibble was this quote: “I don’t work with anyone that expresses hesitation about the work or worries about the consequences.” I felt like it implies that making porn with me will always have bad consequences or that it is always a negative experience. The full quote after that sentence was: “It’s better not to hire them and I feel to do that would be exploitative. I don’t want anyone on set who isn’t 100% OK with doing porn because it does still carry stigma.” Because yeah, the “consequences” can be bad if you aren’t prepared for it. I’ve heard of people losing jobs, of family not speaking to them, of harrassment and abuse. It’s not fair that that happens but it’s still on the table so people really need to be ready for it and can face any negative shit with strength.
I got a short mention in this piece at Lifehacker: How to have a healthy relationship with porn. The article encourages readers to “support a healthier porn industry” and Bright Desire is listed. So that’s nice.
BD also features in another Bustle Piece: What Is The Best Porn Site For Women? 9 Bustle Readers Share Their Favorite Sexy Sites And Videos. 33 year old Alex is quoted: “There’s soft-core stuff that I like, because it’s less violent. Sometimes it’s just a tumblr page like Dicks For Girls, sites like Bright Desire, sometimes it’s sexy photos.” Interesting that my porn might be considered “soft core” but I guess it’s that thing where the language has evolved so that “hard core” now means choking, ass-t0-mouth and other full-on stuff.
In other articles:
My good friend Jennifer Lyon Bell is currently promoting her film Silver Shoes and Buzzfeed has given her a full article entitled Why We Should Be Watching More Feminist Porn. Jen asked us to comment and provide examples of other porn because the piece is solely focused on her film so I pitched in
Vice recently published an article by Julian Morgans called Australia Has A Thriving Art-Porn Industry Run By Women. It features my friends Zahra Stardust and Gala Vanting among others. I helped Julian with research but ultimately opted out of being involved. It’s nice that my friends got a mention, especially since we were all so successful at the Feminist Porn Awards.