It’s mid winter here, the wind is blowing and I’m almost in hibernation. No doubt those in the Northern Hemisphere are having a fantastic summer. Either season, here’s some hot free female-friendly porn.

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Bright Desire: Yes, Sir – A Fifty Shades-style female submission video that’s overflowing with sexual tension
Joymii: Happy Ending. A sexy massage from a hot man
Dreams of Spanking: David’s Strict Governess – Pandora delivers an over the knee hand spanking to David in his first ever spanking film.
Crash Pad Series Ep 80: Tina Horn and Roger Wood – Sexy real life lovers Tina and Roger
X-Art: Happy Couple. Kristan is woken up by her sexy boyfriend.
Joybear: The Laundromat – Sex on the dryer makes laundry fun Divine Bitches. Lorelei dominates a cocky businessman
Nubiles: Leyla Peachbloom – Pretty girl gets it on with her guy
Remember, if you like what you see, help the porn company out with your business. Paying for good porn means we can keep making it!