OK. So there I was editing this little video for the “Under the Bed” section at Bright Desire. These are non-exclusive videos that I occasionally include on the site because I personally like them. This one got the thumbs up due to the rather cute and playful setup involving Michael playing a video game and Kay doing her best to distract him. That’s what made me buy it, based only on a small sample and I didn’t look too closely at the screenshots.
So I’m editing away and I get to the bit when his pants came off and I uttered the kind of “Whoa” that is usually reserved for Keanu Reeves.

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“Hey, look at this!” I yelled to my spouse.
He came in and studied the video freeze frame. “Hmm, the colour correction is all wrong,” he said.
He really isn’t interested in porn, my husband.
Now I’ve said before that I like male bodies of all shapes and sizes. I don’t think a big penis is a pre-requisite for attractiveness (nor for being a good male porn star). I find penises to be lovely and interesting and wonderful to look at no matter their proportions.
Still, when confronted by a schlong that goes halfway to the knee, you can’t help but look twice. I mean, damn! It’s HUGE. It’s like seeing a blue whale for the first time, you can’t help but wonder how something can get so big. If I were to put a black rectangle on it for Facebook purposes it would resemble that scene in Borat when he chases his manager naked into a convention. I found myself wondering where he found all the blood necessary to maintain an erection without fainting.
Isn’t the human body wonderful?
The scene itself reveals that having a huge penis isn’t necessarily an advantage during sex. His petite partner cannot take much of him in, either vaginally or orally. It bends the wrong way occasionally and can be tricky to insert. Nonetheless, they kiss, giggle and have a lovely time – which is why I like this video.
By the way, studies into penis size reveal the average cock is about 5 to 5.7 inches when erect. Michael here is not your average guy.
Yes, I realize this post is rather shallow, that putting up pictures of huge penises is not necessarily very, ahem, feminist. But I know you want to see it – I get a lot of people on the blog looking for this very thing. In 2006 I did a post on Jonah Falcon, who supposedly has the world’s biggest penis. That still gets traffic. Then I wrote about a mockumentary about having a big dick. And then there’s the fabulous acapella song by Da Vinci’s Notebook called Enormous Penis (which I still enjoy singing along to). Actually, I’ve got a long history of penis posts, so there you go.
The scene featuring the guy with the huge penis goes live at Bright Desire shortly. By all means, join up and watch it