This is Kaleidogasm 3, a more “safe for work” version of my two previous Kaleidogasm short films. In these I’ve taken footage from the various sex scenes I’ve shot and mirrored them to create a kaleidoscope effect. The result is a rather surreal erotic visual journey that’s a cross between a sexy dream and a nightmare. The weird flesh constructions are slightly obscene in a way but also fascinating.

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I’ve had a lot of fun making these three films. The shapes and images that emerge are kind of hypnotic and manipulating the mirroring is endlessly amusing to me. Kevin McLeod’s amazing music really helps too.
The first Kaleidogasm film is screening at Cinekink in early March. It also screened at the Hard Liquor and Porn festival in Toronto in November 2012. That film and its sequel contain more explicit images than those seen here.
You can find all three Kaleidogasm films at Bright Desire.