I’m a very grumpy blogger this week, as you’ll know if you’ve been reading my Twitter stream. I had every intention of flying to Canada to finally attend the Feminist Porn Awards this year. I’ve supported the awards since the very beginning and wanted to be there, especially as For The Girls is nominated for best website.
Alas, our best website is what has kept me here. I’m now into the 5th month of a long running battle with a design company to re-do the FTG member’s area. I won’t go into details; suffice to say it’s a cluster fuck. Trying to get it finished has kept me here. And my goodness, it’s made me very unhappy.

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Still, I thought I’d best do a blog post and add a few links to some of the pre-show press given to the awards this year.
The best in feminist porn is an overview from Xtra which is Canada’s gay and lesbian news.
Tristan Taormino: A pioneer in porn is an interview and feature of the direct by the same site.
The Feminist Touch – an overview in Varsity.ca
Feminist porn awards selects New Zealand films – a report on NZ director Astrid Glitter’s 2 nominations. Astrid is attending the awards.
Porn reporter Gram Ponante has a sly interview with Alison Lee here.
So best of luck to all the nominees. Wish I could be there. Dammit.
That’s a shame that you can’t attend the awards MS Naughty, it would have been good to hear your report.
(Being a web developer) I can well imagine your frustration with your re-development of For The Girls. Hope that you get it sorted out!