The New Zealand Herald has an extensive profile of Filament creator Suraya Singh, who grew up in New Zealand but now lives in London. The article traces the origins of Suraya’s idea for an erotic magazine and her struggle to get it up and running last year.

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There was also the belief that all women are the same. “We had one distributor who said he’d shown a copy to a woman in accounts,” says Singh.
“She didn’t like it, so he decided all women wouldn’t like it. Even if the story was the truth, the claim was ridiculous. That sort of thing got surreal at times.” Another was that most women aren’t visual and that those who are would rather look at other women than naked men. This belief is supported by New Zealand’s self-styled king of porn, Steve Crow.
In his view, marketing erotica to women is notoriously difficult and while he hasn’t yet seen Filament, he says it isn’t something he’d want to back or predict a future for.