What to make of this photo. It’s a guy masturbating in a slightly acrobatic position and ejaculating onto his own face. Is it sexy or not?

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I’ve already stated my objection to the ubiquitousness and sexism that seems inherent in many facial cumshots in porn. I do hate that bit where the woman kneels and looks stupid while the guy jerks off and ejaculates on her face.
But a guy doing it to himself? I think it could be very sexy. The idea of a man who tastes his own come or who isn’t afraid to go down on a girl after he’s had an orgasm is hot. I think it implies that the guy is accepting of himself and his sexuality.
I think it’s hot (not this guy though – he’s not my type). John Leslie never seemed averse to his own cum, and the Strap Attack series has plentiful cum shots on the guys face, often with cum swapping. I am in favor.