I’ve just finished watching the amazing documentary NA KAMALEI: The Men of Hula which charts the progress of a group of male Hawaiian hula dancers as they prepare for and compete in the national hula championship in 2005.
I must admit, it sounds a bit weird to the casual observer, but damn, the doco was amazing. I got to watch a bunch of buff guys without shirts performing ancient dance routines – complete with very sexy hip gyrations. It’s a compelling mix of masculinity and sensuality and it got me thinking about the way men aren’t really allowed to move their hips like that in our culture. It’s seen as less-than-manly somehow. Yet I found it to be completely attractive.

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The men have to face down accusations that dancing hula is gay but there is nothing at all camp about it. The truth is that both men and women traditionally performed the hula and it was only in the 50s that it became feminised by Western culture. Male hula has undergone a revival in Hawaii in the last few years and it’s showcased annually in the Merrie Monarch Hula competition.
Check out the 2005 winners (and documentary subjects) here.
The 2009 winners are also fabulous, although their weird waist costumes aren’t as fab as the grass skirts.