I post a lot of photos of naked men on the blog but this one is so very different. We’ve all seen it plenty of times but today I was just struck by the sheer beauty and vulnerability it. The photo is by Annie Lieboweitz and it was taken on December 8, 1980 – the day John Lennon was shot.
There’s something incredibly poignant about the fact that this image of passion, love and vulnerability presaged a violent death. It carries an aura of tragedy about it, even though that’s not what the photo itself has to offer.

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This a photo that is about sex and yet so much more; John Lennon needs Yoko. There’s absolute openness and intense attachment on show. His nakedness and clinging pose is almost a symbol of infancy next to her clothed form. Not many man would be willing to appear naked in a photo let alone naked in such an “unmasculine” pose. Indeed, Lennon’s willingness to reveal so much of himself is perhaps what is so astonishing to us.
How does this relate to porn? Well, I guess you could say that this complete nakedness and emotional connection is what’s missing from so many images of sex. Imagine an erotic film that managed to convey the symbolism and emotional intensity of this photograph. That is something I’d love to see – or make.
Read more on this photo and Annie Liebowitz here
The photo is from this site and the photo credit of course goes to Annie Liebowitz.