My eyes, the goggles do nothing!

Support independent, ethically made, award-winning porn. Bright Desire features all of my erotic films and writing. A membership to Bright Desire gets you access to every movie I've ever made and lets me keep making female friendly porn!
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Support independent, ethically made, award-winning porn. Bright Desire features all of my erotic films and writing. A membership to Bright Desire gets you access to every movie I've ever made and lets me keep making female friendly porn!
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Yes folks, don’t say I never give you anything. Here he is in all his 1980s synthesizer glory, Mike The Superhero. Stay tuned for the bit at 1:50 when a lovely bit of pectoral flexing goes on. And yes, that is his own moustache.
What can I say? This is exactly why so many people believe that “women aren’t visual.” Thank goodness Manpower upped the ante a bit in the 90s.