I’ve just spent a couple of days adding over 30 new film listings to Porn Movies For Women.
I’ve created several pages for individual filmmakers and studios including Madison Young, Sweet Sinner and Libido Films.

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I’m actually a little embarrassed that I hadn’t added Libido Films earlier. The movies made by Marianna Beck over the last decade truly are good quality porn for women starring real-looking people having real orgasms.
I want to point you towards a great interview done with Marianna and Jack Hafferkamp called Libido Films Laid Bare.
An excerpt:
Are your movies designed to help guys get feminist nookie?
MARIANNA: We think they’re designed to help guys realize what women’s sexual pleasure is really about. And here’s what it really is about . . . clitoral stimulation! So we almost always try to integrate a vibrator in scenes involving partner sex. Vibrators make some guys nervous. But as our friend Betty Dodson puts it, “a smart guy soon figures out that the vibrator is really his best friend.”What’s the way to a feminist’s heart?
MARIANNA: Showing signs of intelligent life . . . and remembering that clitoral stimulation. If you mean by feminist a woman who is interested in sex and wants to see an erotic story with a storyline, dialogue, and real sex, that’s a good start.
Great philosophy.