Wasting time on Youtube the other day I encountered an old episode of Batman – the 1960s camp version starring Adam West. Before long I was gleefully surfing through various snippets from the old series and feeling like a kid again.

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In the same way that Star Wars was really about Princess Leia, Batman was really a series about Catwoman. And later, Batgirl. Preferably both. I used to hungrily watch each episode hoping to see Julie Newmar in that incredibly sexy black outfit. I wanted to be Catwoman. It didn’t matter that she was the bad guy. She was hot and she kicked butt.
Better than that, she and Batman had that sexual tension thing going on. They were desperate to get into each other’s spandex. One was always tying the other to a chair. Thus, my childhood memories of Batman are tinged with a hint of awakening sexual fantasy. And oh, if only Batman and Catwoman could kiss!
Holy sexual frustration Batman!
I liked Eartha Kitt’s version of Catwoman, but I think I’ll always prefer Julie Newmar.
I have yet to see a single modern Batman movie. Not even the Dark Knight. No yellow utility belts? No sparkly purple costumes? Meh.
The pics are from these Youtube clips that I couldn’t embed:
Catwoman and Batman love affair
Batgirl bound and gagged by Catwoman