It’s Friday, I’ve been busy so I’m quickly putting up a nice pic of a naked guy with a hairy chest to keep you all happy.
You’ll also be interested to know that For The Girls now has an exciting new tour, freshly minted and uploaded. I think it looks very swish and generally fabulous AND it’s now got fancy new flash video samples. It’s been a long time coming but worth the wait.

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A couple of links of interest for the day:
Petra Joy has been featured in Metro magazine prior to her big weekend at the Erotica expo in London where she’s presenting a heap of seminars and is quite the celebrity. I hope it goes well for her.
The Australian Sex Party has had a successful launch and easily got their 500 founding members at Sexpo in Melbourne. Their policies are now on the website.
And I just have to post about today’s fabulously weird sex story: Man fined $600 for masturbating with a jar of pasta sauce. In his car.
When Weatherley was stopped, he refused to leave his car and four officers used batons and capsicum spray to get him out.
They found a 750mm jar around his penis and said Weatherley attempted to continue “pleasuring himself in between bouts of wrestling”.