I’m not sure what to make of Guys Gone Wild. My initial reaction is: ooh, guys getting their gear off and being silly, looks like fun.
But it’s not quite that simple.

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This is the male equivalent of the Girls Gone Wild franchise and thus brings with it all kinds of ethical baggage. We all know the guy behind the GGW ended up on charges of indecent assault and there were plenty of questions about the legality of the whole thing. Not to mention the issue of consent, given that it focuses on encouraging drunk girls to flash their boobs.
So what to do when the tables are turned? Will these guys regret it any more in the morning? Does the fact that it’s men in front of the camera make a difference, given that guys are often indulged when it comes to “laddish” behaviour? Are there copious amounts of booze involved?
I don’t know. Maybe I’m being a boring panic merchant and this video series just features a bunch of blokes who happily flashed for the camera and got paid for it. I can’t find any horror stories about the series on the net so it’s entirely possible that there’s nothing wrong with these movies at all.
I’ll let you decide. Here’s the list of movies if you’re curious.