So I’m an Aunty again! My sister WAS in labour on Friday and she proceeded to stay in labour for almost two days. She finally gave birth to a baby boy on Sunday at 8 in the morning. She and the baby are both fine.
So that was quite an experience. I was there for moral support and backrubs through most of Friday night and Saturday but they wouldn’t let me in the birth suite so I missed the main part. Even so, it’s been a very profound, amazing, fascinating and tiring experience. I loved being a part of this very female thing and I’m truly awed by the power of a woman’s body. Although I still don’t want to go through it myself. In the end it’s not giving birth that’s frightening, it’s the future tantrums in the supermarket that scare me.

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So now I’ve got a nephew and I’m planning on being the best aunty ever.
Normal smuttiness will resume tomorrow. Maybe. Or I might go toy shopping instead.