Psychology Today reports on a study by psychologist Geoffrey Miller claiming that the fertility cycles of strippers can influence the number of tips they get.

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Dancers made about $70 an hour during their peak period of fertility, versus about $35 while menstruating and $50 in between.
Miller links the wage fluctuations to changes in body odor, waist-to-hip ratio, and facial features…
Women on the pill averaged $37 (and had no performance peak) versus $53 for women off-pill. The contraceptive produces hormonal cues indicating early pregnancy, not an enticing target for a would-be suitor. Birth control could lead to many thousands of dollars lost every year.
The researchers say this effect may occur with other women in service industries earning tips. Not sure if that will necessarily be true; strippers are in the business of sexual attractiveness so perhaps the effects are more marked. In any case, it may provide some women with another reason to stay at home and eat chocolate during menstruation. Actually, any excuse to stay home and eat chocolate is always good.