I recently reviewed Playgirl’s Addicted To Niko for For The Girls. On the whole it wasn’t bad, I guess, although I did get fairly bored after the first two scenes. Niko makes for beautiful eye candy but his acting isn’t so great. I guess you can’t expect too much of a beefy male stripper. At the same time, everything looks very pretty and the production values are spectacular.
Here’s some of the notes I made while watching the film:
* Niko goes swimming, drinks champagne in the spa, kissing, slo-mo boob kissing… Cunni – and yep, this time she comes. Or at least pretends to, which is enough. I do like how she clenches her thighs around his head, made it look a bit authentic.

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* He goes down, she leans on the statue. Actually, that statue is a bit freaky, looks like it’s about to join in. It’s nearly got its hand on her boob… Now she’s giving him a blowjob, and it looks like the statue is lining up for it’s turn! And now the music has gone all elevator style.
* Niko seems inclined to make a chimpanzee “hooting face†every now and again. I’m not sure if a hooting face is a sexy thing for chimpanzees, but Niko makes it look kind of good.
* Cue the sex. Hmm, this is a cuddly position. Nice. Then she’s straddled him. And now he’s standing up. Well, I guess that shows he’s been working out. In case you hadn’t spotted the other evidence of it. Extremely uncomfortable-looking doggy style. I guess she’s been doing spinal twists in yoga. Oh bloody hell, now she’s sucking her finger. Niko goes all jackhammer, pulls out and cums on her back. Sigh.
* Well so far this movie is Niko fucks a bunch of women and comes on them. He doesn’t seem able to make many of them come, but gee, isn’t he good looking?
* Hmm, that stone greek column seems to have a bit of a wobble up. Look out below!
* This scene has an interesting surreal and sensual feel to it. Although if this is a museum, why the waterfall? And why is it so steamy? And where did that bed come from? OK, surely steel drums is not the right music for this scene?
* OK, now we’re into the sex. Uncomfortable positions, legs in the air. Now they’re even worse. He’s going to have an eye out if she loses control of her stiletto. I’m getting a leg cramp just watching this.
You can read the proper review of this movie at For The Girls.