It’s been a long time coming but I’m pleased to say that For The Girls now has it’s very own blog.
Actually, that’s not quite true. The members area of FTG has had a blog from the very beginning and I’ve faithfully written in that almost every day. Now, however, we’ve added one that’s accessible to everybody.

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It’s got photos of hot guys and sexy couples, usually the most recent pics that have been added. So you can get a better idea of what’s available inside. I’ll also be posting excerpts from our written material including erotic fiction, columns and articles. And once I can get a handle on making flash videos we’ll have a few of those as well.
I’m also planning to do a bit of commentary on it now and then, just to spice things up a bit.
So our new blog is really a way to give people a better idea of what we offer and what you’ll get for your money.
It’s been a bit stressy trying to set it up and I even had to swap it over to a different domain because the RSS feed will create a lot of duplicate content but it’s finally out there and I’m quite proud of it, actually.